Reprogramming Paradigms: Harnessing the Power of Automation for Personal Growth

We all like to think of ourselves as conscious decision-makers, moving through life making choices based on logic, reason, and emotions. But did you know that a whopping 96% of what we do each day is driven by automated behaviors, thoughts, and patterns? These deep-seated habits and reflexes are the result of our paradigms, and if we wish to instigate change in our lives, it’s essential to recognize and modify these guiding constructs.

What Are Paradigms?

A paradigm is a mental framework that holds our most consistent beliefs, ideas, and perceptions about the world and ourselves. They shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors without us being actively aware of them. Paradigms are molded by a combination of our upbringing, societal norms, personal experiences, and more. They are the lenses through which we view our reality.

The Power of Automation

Humans are, by nature, creatures of habit. To efficiently navigate the vast array of tasks and decisions we face daily, our brains have developed the ability to automate repetitive behaviors. Think about when you first learned to drive. At first, every action required conscious thought and effort. But as time went on, driving became second nature, allowing your mind to wander or multitask.

This automation is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it permits us to function efficiently. On the other hand, it can keep us trapped in unfavorable habits and behaviors. When 96% of our day is on autopilot, it’s easy to see how deeply ingrained our paradigms can become, and how challenging they can be to change.

Reprogramming Your Paradigms

If we’re aiming to make significant shifts in our lives—whether it’s a new career, better health, improved relationships, or anything in between—it’s crucial to understand that tweaking surface behaviors isn’t enough. We must dig deep and adjust the paradigms driving those behaviors. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you do just that:

  1. Awareness: The first step in changing any habit is recognizing it. Start by observing your daily routines, decisions, and reactions. Which of these are truly conscious? Which are automatic?
  2. Questioning: For each automated behavior or thought pattern you identify, ask yourself, “Why do I do/think this? Is it serving my current goals and aspirations?”
  3. Visualization: Visualize the person you want to become and the life you wish to lead. Create a vivid mental picture that generates emotions, as emotions are potent catalysts for change.
  4. Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to rewire your subconscious thoughts. Repeatedly telling yourself a new narrative can gradually replace old, limiting beliefs.
  5. Small Actions: Start by making small changes in your daily routine. Over time, these tiny shifts can lead to the rewiring of larger paradigms.
  6. Environment: Surround yourself with people, materials, and environments that support your new paradigm. Sometimes, changing your external world can be a powerful tool in altering your internal one.
  7. Patience & Persistence: Paradigms aren’t developed overnight, and they won’t change overnight either. It’s essential to remain patient and persistent in your efforts.


While the notion that 96% of our daily actions are automated may seem daunting, it also presents a tremendous opportunity. By identifying and reprogramming our paradigms, we have the power to transform nearly every aspect of our lives. Remember, the chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. So, start today, harness the power of paradigms, and craft the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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